Unit 17
Product Diversification
Workplace English/Communication Skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is a “Product Diversification”?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. diversification (n.) 多樣化
We should implement diversification strategies.
2. market shares (phr.) 市場份額
The market shares have dropped.
3. product portfolio (phr.) 產品群組
This is our product portfolio.
4. point of saturation (phr.) 飽和點
Our products have reached a point of saturation.
5. cross sell (v.) 交叉銷售
We should cross sell our new product.
6. pool of clients (phr.) 一大群客戶
We have a large pool of clients.
7. viable (adj.) 切實可行的
Their products are still viable 2 years after.
8. synergy (n.) 協同;配合
The synergy of us would create a new power that cannot be underestimated.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Thanks for joining me today, Chad. As you already know, I’ve been considering diversifying our product. I have a few ideas and I was hoping you could give me your input.
謝謝你今天過來,Chad。 你已經知道了,我一直在想讓我們的產品更多樣化。 我有些點子,也想你能給出一些想法。

Well, you already know my stance on product diversification. Nevertheless, I’ll listen with an open mind.
嗯,你已經知道我對產品多樣化的立場了。 無論如何,我會虛心聽取你的想法的。

Ok, I believe our market shares can grow if we expand our product portfolio to air conditioners. Our products have matured and we’ve reached a point of saturation. Growth has slowed and the best solution I can think of is diversification.
好的,我覺得如果我們擴大我們空調的的產品組合,我們的市場份額會增加。 我們的產品已經成熟並達到了瓶頸狀

Well, I understand your logic behind wanting to diversify our portfolio, but I don’t understand why there is a necessity for it. Our company has developed expertise in making heaters and our revenue is steady. Our high-quality customer service, products and maintenance/repair service keep our customer numbers stable.
嗯,我理解你想要讓產品多樣化背後的邏輯,但是我不理解其必要性。 我們公司在製造取暖器方面是行家,而且我們 的銷售額一直很穩定。 我們高品質的客戶服務、產品保修服務都讓我們的顧客數量非常穩定。

That’s why it’ll work. All our potential clients already buy our fall/winter product and they’re highly satisfied. We have the potential to cross sell to our own pool of clients. I don’t believe our risks are very high; the products aren’t entirely unrelated. Our company won’t have a viable future if it doesn’t diversify. We already have to compete with companies that have merged to sell ACs and heaters.
這就是為什麼這個會成功。 我們所有的潛在客戶都購買了我們秋冬季的產品,他們都非常滿意。 我們有潛在的機會可以賣產品給這些客戶。 我們覺得我們的風險很大;產品並不是毫不相關的。 如果我們不實行產品多樣化的話公司的未來堪憂。 我們已經在和其他銷售空調和取暖器的公司競爭了。

How would we even go about doing this?

We have two options. We could either start an air conditioning business from scratch or merge with an existing company. I have a few friends at Billings Air Conditioning who have expressed interest in merging with us. If we merge with them, there are many possibilities for fruitful synergy.
Well, a merger will definitely have some issues, but so will establishing the business from scratch. We’ll definitely need a lot of help and support from our management team.
我們有兩個選擇。 我們要麼可以從頭開始建立空調業務,要麼和一家現有的公司合併。 我在比林斯空調公司有幾個朋友有興趣和我們合併。 如果我們和他們合併的話,成功的合作指日可待。
合併的話肯定會產生問題,但是從頭單幹的話也會有問題。 我們肯定需要管理團隊的大量説明。

That’s exactly what I am afraid of. Our management team had lots of trouble at the beginning and now they’ve finally reached a point where they can collaborate. I think a merger might complicate matters. Dealing with a new management staff from another company will definitely have its issues.
這就是我擔心的問題。 我們的管理團隊一開始就有很多問題,現在他們好不容易可以協調合作了。 我覺得合併的話會把事情複雜化。 和另一家公司的新的管理層員工合作會有問題。

Well, you certainly make a valid point. Then we can consider starting it from scratch. We can take our time with it, since there is no rush. And work with our own people.

That’s something I’d consider over a merger.
Using Nevertheless(無論如何)
Nevertheless means “in spite of” and it‘s a formal, conjunctive adverb. It’s normally placed at the beginning of a sentence when contrasting two ideas. Here‘s the example from the dialogue:…you already know my stance on product diversification. Nevertheless, I’ll listen with an open mind.
1. Her date was a bit childish. Nevertheless, she had a good time.
2. He was running behind on his deadlines. Nevertheless, he finished on time.
3. The trip was long and exhausting. Nevertheless, they had a great time.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think triggers Product Diversification for manufacturing companies?