Unit 13
Market Research 2 : Presenting Results
Workplace English/Communication in Workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is the reason why we need to present the results of a survey / research?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. preliminary (n.) 初步的
We should create a preliminary study.
2. market positioning (phr.) 市場定位
Our market positioning is stable, for now.
3. market shares (phr.) 市場份額
The market shares are being sold one by one.
4. imported (v.) 進口的The products are imported.
5. domestic (adj.) 國內的
People like to buy domestic products.
6. branding strategy (phr.) 品牌策略
The branding strategy is worse.
7. core (n.) 核心的
The core product is trending.
8. substandard (adj.) 標準以下的
Different demographics are no excuse for substandard education.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hmmm, why isn’t the projector coming on…?

What? What’s wrong with it? Paul, come in here and take a look.
什麼? 出什麼問題了? Paul,過來看一下。

There’s no need, President Thompson. It’s good now… Ok, so today I’ll be giving you the results of the preliminary follow up analysis and an analysis of our competitors.
不用了,Thompson總裁,現在好了… 好了,所以今天我要給你們初步的跟進分析及競爭對手分析的結果。

Ok, sounds good. Let’s begin.

We’ve completed our market surveys and initial competitor profile surveys for motor home brands in the Chinese market. This data includes the products themselves, strategies, market positioning, market shares, advantages and disadvantages.
我們完成了房車品牌在中國市場的市場調查及初步的競爭對手概況調查。 這份數據包括了品牌自身,行銷策略,市場定位,市場份額,及優劣勢。

Um, can you enlarge the font a bit? I can’t see it clearly.
嗯,你可以把字體放大一點嗎? 我看不清。

Ok, give me a second and I’ll blow that up for you… Alright, let’s take a look at the brands first. Currently, the leading imported motor home brands are Mercedes Benz and GM. The leading domestic brand is Great Wall. The high-end market leans toward the high-end brands: prices are between $130,000 and $325,000. The domestic brand is primarily aimed at the lower-end market. Prices are between $50,000 and $80,000.
好的,給我點時間,我幫你放大一下…. 好了,現在我們先來看看品牌。 目前,進口房車的領軍品牌是梅賽德斯賓士和 通用汽車。 而國內的領軍品牌是長城。 高端市場靠高端品牌支撐,價格大約在13萬美元到32萬五千美元之間。 國內品牌 主要針對低端市場,價格大約在5萬美元到8萬美元之間。

Do you have information about specific product models?

Yes. We analyzed the market shares of the top selling vehicle models and you can see the results of the evaluation in the graphic here.
是的。 我們分析了最熱賣車型的市場份額,你可以看到這張圖表裡有評估的結果。

Ok… I see.

So, now let me talk about branding strategy. Some brands’ product lines are complete. For example, Mercedes Benz; motor homes are in no way their main product. Motor homes, however, are the core product of local Great Wall. They hope to become China’s leading motor home brand.
那現在讓我說一下品牌策略。 有些品牌的產品線非常完整。 比如梅賽德斯賓士,房車並不是他們的主要產品。 但對於本土的長城牌來說,房車卻是其核心產品。 他們希望成為中國房車品牌的領軍人物。

So, Great Wall’s competitive advantage is quite strong?

That’s right. Take a look at this chart. In the last few years, Great Wall has made a very large investment in marketing and sales channels. Plus, their prices are low. These are their core commercial strategies.
沒錯。 看一下這張表格。 在過去的幾年中,長城牌在市場及銷售管道中做了大量的投資。 而且,他們的價格低廉。 這些都是他們核心的商業策略。

Then what about their disadvantages?

Technology is their drawback. Their quality level isn’t as high because their innovative technology is substandard. They mainly take the low price route and focus on the mass-market approach.
技術層面是他們的劣勢。 他們的品質並不是很高,因為他們的革新技術比較低。 他們走低端路線主攻大眾市場。

But their rate of growth and profit margin are both very high, right?

Correct. But, President Thompson, I think the market is still currently lacking a motor home in the mid-level price range that performs well but is still in a reasonable price range for the middle class market. This is the competitive advantage we have identified as your best launching point for the unserviced niche market of the growing middle class Chinese consumer.
沒錯。 但是,Thompson總裁,我覺得房車目前還缺少品質優良但價格合理的中端市場品牌為中產階級市場服務。 這是我們的競爭優勢,所以你最好的始發點是針對中國中產階級的無人競爭的機會市場。
Hyphenated words(帶連字符的詞)
A “hyphenated” word is where two words are not conjoined, for clarity or because they represent the same part of speech. Many of us get confused about when to hyphenate between words. Here are a few tips to help you understand if you should use a hyphen.
Compound verbs are either hyphenated or appear as one word. If you do not find the verb in the dictionary, hyphenate it. Only compound adjectives (adjectives that act as one idea with other adjectives) get hyphenated in front of nouns.
E.g. “well-respected”, not well and respected. Similarly, nouns such as “great-grandfather” not a great grandfather.
When adverbs not ending in ‘-ly’ are used as compound words in front of a noun, hyphenate. When the combination of words is used after the noun, do not hyphenate.
– friendly-looking man (compound adjective in front of a noun)
– friendly little girl (not a compound adjective)
– brightly lit room (brightly is an adverb describing lit, not an adjective.)
Well is an adverb followed by another descriptive word. They combine to form one idea in front of the noun.
Examples: The well-known actress accepted her award.
Examples: The actress who accepted her award was well known.
*Well known follows the noun it describes, so no hyphen is used.
Hyphenate all compound numbers from twenty-one through ninety-nine. Hyphenate all spelled-out fractions. Hyphenate prefixes that are attached to existing proper nouns. E.g.,”pre-Reconstruction”.
1. He got a much-needed haircut yesterday.
2. She has seventy-three pairs of shoes!
3. I need two-thirds of a cup of sugar for this recipe.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How will you present the results?