Unit 12
Market Research 1: Consumer Survey
Workplace English/Communication in Workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you ever participated in Surveys? What was the survey all about?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. market segmentation (phr.) 市場市場區隔
Guangzhou analyzed the market segmentation.
2. random sampling (phr.) 任意樣品
We should do a random sampling tomorrow.
3. quantitative (adj.) 定量的
The results of our survey will be quantitative.
4. qualitative (adj.) 定性的
We should aim for a qualitative result.
5. niche market (phr.) 瞄準機會的市場
There is a niche market for travelers.
6. capitalized (v.) 利用
He capitalized on skills and low wages.
7. propensity (n.) 傾向
He recognized his own propensity to evil.
8. impromptu (adj.) 即興的
It’s not too late to organize an impromptu party at your house.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Good morning President Thompson; we are eager to meet with you today to discuss the market research you requested from our company. We would like to share the initial results with you if you don’t have any questions right away.
早上好Thompson董事長,我們今天很急著要見你和你討論你要求我們公司做的市場調查一事。 如果您沒什麼問題的 話我們想和您分享一下最原始的結果。

No questions. Please, go ahead.
沒問題。 你請說吧。

Our consultant in the three key cities of Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou analyzed the market segmentation. They used a random sampling with quantitative analysis along with a few qualitative interview questions incorporated into the research instruments. Here is a sample survey for you.
我們的顧問在三個關鍵城市,上海、北京和廣州進行了市場細分分析。 他們使用了對任意樣品的定量分析,另外調查 問卷當中也加入了一些面試問題。 這是一份問卷樣本,給。

Excellent. So, what conclusions did you come to?
太好了。 所以,你得出了什麼結論?

Well… the market potential for motor homes is there, but the market size is currently relatively small. The marketing strategy will need to be focused on the niche market of travelers first. Then we can establish amass market strategy after we have capitalized on the original segment.
嗯… 房車的潛在的市場是存在的,但目前市場規模還不夠大。 市場策略應該放在以旅行者為主的小眾利基市場。 然後 我們可以利用最初的客戶群建立大規模的市場戰略。

I understand. And what is the price perception like for the product?
我明白。 那對於產品的定位怎麼樣呢?

Well, the price perception was well-received by the group, but the prestige
perception was very low. The degree of interest from married individuals was relatively high. However, the retired segments don’t tend to see the value in investing in a motor home.
嗯,我們的產品廣受好評,但期望值並不高。 已婚人士相對來說興趣比較高一些,而退休人士對於房車沒有投資興 趣。

What about middle-aged individuals?

The amount of interest from this age group was relatively low as well. They think that motor homes are usually used for long distance trips, which is going to be a mass market penetration challenge because selfguided, long distance travel is not a cultural norm.
這個年齡層的群體對於房車的興趣也非常低。 他們認為房車通常用於長途旅行,這將會是整個大眾市場的挑戰,因為 長途的自由行並不是普遍的文化現象。

That’s right… Therefore, we definitely have to find some partners to develop sites that support motor home travel… Hm. Ok, how about from a pricing standpoint?
說的也是… 所以,我們一定要找到合作方來開發支援房車旅行的網站… 嗯,好吧,那定價方面怎麼樣?

Of the subjects surveyed, almost 60 percent said they would be willing to pay around $80,000 and 20 percent were willing to pay $150,000 and up. In contrast to that, many of those interviewed don’t have a propensity to consume, as previously mentioned.
調查情況看來,將近60%的人表示他們願意支付大約八萬美金購買房車,另有20%的人表示他們可以支付15萬美金甚 至更高的價格。 不過,就像之前提到的那樣,許多受訪者並沒有真正購買的傾向。

OK. This was an excellent introductory study. It really gave us a lot of high-quality insight! What do you recommend as the initial branding strategy?
好的。 這個調查研究做的非常好。 這真的給了我們很多真知灼見! 你建議我們最開始的品牌策略是什麼?

We suggest a follow-up study. We will select a number of people interested in motor homes to conduct more qualitative research using focus groups and impromptu interviews to develop a branding strategy.

That sounds great. I look forward to continuing our work together!
Well-received – an adjective meaning accepted, approved, or pleasing.
Well-received is an adjective meaning generally or traditionally accepted, conventional, approved, or standard. It’s like saying that something or someone is getting a good reaction from people.
1. His speech was very well-received at the conference this weekend.
2. The choice of music was well-received by the guests at the party.
3. The album was very well-received in America and had two popular hits.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think consumer surveys are important for companies?