Unit 11
Should We Use a Headhunter?
Workplace English/Career Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
In your opinion, what do you think is a headhunter?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. posted (v.) 張貼
We already posted this job vacancy yesterday.
2. gap (n.) 間隔
We need to fill the position gap asap!
3. implementing (n.) 實施
The management will be implementing new rules.
4. headhunter (n.) 獵頭
Alex is the best headhunter in town!
5. candidate (n.) 候選人
There are 6 candidates waiting in the room.
6. channels (n.) 管道
John posted the vacancy in all channels.
7. shortlisted (n.) 最終篩選;入圍
Erika is shortlisted for the position.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Sandy, have we made any progress on hiring the product manager?

I’m afraid that we haven’t. I posted the job ad on several different websites and
forums. We have received a few resumes but none of which meet our requirements.
我們還沒找到。 我在不同的網站和論壇上發佈了職位消息。 我們收到幾封簡歷,但是沒有人符合我們的要求。

It’s been almost 3 weeks. This gap is causing a lot of issues. This is, without a doubt, the number one role we need to fill before implementing any changes to our software.
都快3個星期了。 這個職位空缺會產生很多問題。 毫無疑問,我們要在改動軟體前先填補這個職位的空缺。

I completely understand, Steve. I think we should consider using a headhunter for this role. I know there are extra costs with this. But for a senior role that demands such a broad skill set with challenging job responsibilities, we are not going to find a suitable candidate using general hiring channels.
我完全理解,Steve。 我覺得這個職位我們需要獵頭幫忙。 我知道這會產生額外費用。 但是這種需要既要擁有廣泛技能又要面對工作挑戰的高級職位,一般的招聘管道是找不到合適人選的。

Well, have you looked into any headhunters?

Yes, I’ve shortlisted 3 that specialize in tech hiring. They come through recommendations from a few HR managers at other tech firms.
嗯,我最後選出了3家專攻技術方面招聘的獵頭公司。 這幾家公司都經過別的IT公司人事經理推薦。

How much do they charge?

In general, 20%-30% of first year’s pay. You usually pay them a down payment and they start looking.
一般來說,是第一年薪資的20%到30%。 一般你付了定金他們就開始幫你找人了。

That’s quite a lot… especially considering we already have our own HR department.
有點貴啊…. 特別是考慮到我們自己就有人事部。

I know, I agree. So I think it makes sense to experiment with a headhunter for senior roles that we urgently need to fill, but do the hiring ourselves for general positions.
我知道,我同意。 所以我覺得這種急需的高級職位用獵頭公司幫忙,但是普通職位用我們自己的人事部招人。

Makes sense. Not having a product manager is really hurting the company. Do they guarantee candidates within a certain period of time?
有道理。 沒有產品經理真的會影響到公司。 他們能保證在一定的時間內找到候選人嗎?

Yes. Within a week. And we only pay when we actually find someone suitable. If not, they will keep looking
是的,一周之內找到。 而且找到合適的候選人我們再給他錢。 如果不合適,他們會繼續找。

Ok, it‘s worth trying. Why don’t you send me an overview of the headhunters you have found and we’ll take it from there?
好吧,值得一試。 不如你把你找到的獵頭公司概況發給我,接下來的事情就交給我們了。

Will do.
Without a Doubt (毫無疑問)
Without a doubt – “without a doubt” is an expression used to show certainty. The expression “without a doubt” is commonly used to show certainty. It also means “definitely”, “without question” or “certainly”.
This expression can be used at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence. It is less common to use it at the end of the sentence. If you use “without a doubt” at the vey beginning of a sentence, a comma must follow. If you use it in the middle of a sentence, it must be separated by commas.
1. This is, without a doubt, the funniest TV show I have ever seen.
2. Without a doubt, this is the best cookie ever.
3. That car is, without a doubt, the one I saw yesterday.
Considering (考慮到)
Considering – “considering” is used to show that you are giving thought to a situation or circumstance. “Considering” means taking in to consideration, taking everything in to account, or when you think about everything. The verb “to consider” means to contemplate, think about, assess, or give thought to. So when you use “considering” in this way, it is similar.
1. He is doing okay considering he’s in the hospital.
2. You shouldn’t stay up too late, considering you have to get up early.
3. I don’t think we need to rent a car, especially considering we can walk everywhere.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.After reading the conversations, do you have an idea as to what is a head hunter? What do you think is the role of a headhunter?