Unit 10
What do you think are annual reports?
Workplace English/Communication in Workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is an Online Lead Generation?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. annual report (n.) 年報
John already gave me his annual report.
2. fiscal year (n.) 財政年度
Give me a report for the whole fiscal year.
3. net sales (n.) 淨銷售額
Our 2012 net sales numbers were outstanding!
4. earnings per share (phr.) 每股盈利
He had $5,000 earnings per share.
5. dividends (n.) 股息、分紅
You should distribute the dividends.
6. stock performance (phr.) 股價表現
The stock performance is high.
7. Robust (adj.) 強勁的
You sure are, a robust woman!
8. forecast (v.) 預報
The teacher forecast that twenty of his pupils would pass the examination.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hello everybody and welcome back to “Stock Watch”! I’m Jim Johnson. And today we have Joanne Wilkinson, a financial analyst and investment advisor, here with us to give us her take on Apple’s 2012 Annual Report. Welcome to the show, Joanne.
大家好,歡迎回到「Stock Watch」節目現場! 我是Jim Johnson。 今天我們請來金融分析師及投資顧問Joanne Wikinson來到現場。 談談蘋果公司的2012年度報告。 現在有請,Joanne。

Hi Jim, thank you for having me.

So, Joanne, the report summary shows outstanding growth in almost all areas of business for Apple, from retail to research and development to even real estate the company owns. Can you tell us a little bit more about these figures and what you make of them?
那麼,Joanne,報告總結顯示蘋果公司在幾乎所有領域都有顯著的增長,從公司持有的零售到諮詢,從研發到房地產都有增加。 你能告訴我們一些數據的細節及增長的原因嗎?

Sure, of course. In short, Apple had a phenomenal fiscal year by any standards. Net sales, earnings per share and gross margins were all up significantly. And they were able to offer $2.65 in dividends per share. But analysts were still disappointed.
沒問題。 簡單來說,今年蘋果公司用任何標準來衡量都是一個財政年。 淨利潤,每股利益以及毛利都顯著增長。 而且他們曾經開出2.65美金的紅利。 但分析師仍持保留態度。

Right. Apple’s stock performance has fallen more than 10% in the past 2 months. Before we go into that Joanne, can you give us more details of the few key numbers you just mentioned?
沒錯。 蘋果的股票在過去兩個月下跌超過十個百分點。 在我們談那個之前,Joanne,你能不能再多給我們一些你剛才提到的數據?

Sure. First of all, Apple’s net sales were $156.5 billion, up from $108.2 billion. That’s a 45% jump. Asia was the most robust region in terms of growth, jumping up almost 50% during this past year and it’s expected to keep going strong.
好的。 首先,去年蘋果的凈銷售額從1082億美金漲到了1565億美金。 這可是一個45%的暴漲。 亞洲目前是發展最快 最穩定的區域,去年有將近50%的漲幅,而且仍舊保持很好的增長勢頭。

And you talked about their gross margin. Where does it stand?

It’s at 43%, up from 40%. And this number helps explain analysts’ disappointment. They simply thought it was a little underwhelming for a company that’s been able to deliver almost magical growth.
從40%上漲到了43%。 這個數字解釋了為什麼分析師的失望態度。 他們簡單地認為公司有能力大幅提高增長的情況下這點增長太少了。高。

Well, I guess that, coupled with Apple’s founder Steve Jobs’s death, helped drive down Apple’s share price for the first time in years.

You are exactly right Jim. The market was clearly doubtful as to whether Apple would be able to repeat its phenomenal success after Jobs’s passing. Apple’s success is so tightly associated with his personal genius, determination and obsession. There’s almost a consensus that no one would be able to repeat the same kind of act, let alone top it.
你說得很對,吉姆。 市場對於蘋果是否能夠重複其市場顯然感到懷疑。喬布斯去世後取得了非凡的成功。 蘋果的成功與他的個人天賦息息相關,決心和執著。 幾乎已經達成共識,沒有人能夠重複同樣的事情舉足輕重,更別說高高在上了。太少了。高。

Well, before we go to commercial break, I’d like to point out that from the figures in the annual report, we’re still looking at the world’s most profitable company, one
with the highest market cap and an amazing product portfolio and brand image. But how long can it last? We’ll come back and talk more about Apple’s forecast in the next fiscal year.
嗯,我們現在正在討論蘋果公司最新的年度報告,這個擁有最高市值,令人驚歎的產品群組以及卓越品牌推廣的世界一流公司,依然能收穫最多的利潤回饋。 但是這樣的業績蘋果公司還能持續多久呢? 接下來我們會進一步探討並展望蘋果下一個財政年度的情況。 不要走開,廣告之後,馬上回來。
let alone (更别提)
‘Let alone’ means much less or not to mention. For instance: “I can’t change the oil in my car, let alone (much less) tune the engine.” The speaker can much less well tune the engine than he can change the oil. He can‘t change the oil, but even less can he can tune the engine. Note: In a sentence like this with “let alone,” you give the lesser (smaller) example of something first, followed by “let alone” and then the greater (bigger) example. People often get this backwards, and put the greater example first: “can’t get a bucket of water let alone a drop” should be the other way round: “can’t get a drop, let alone a bucketful”.
1.I am not going to invite Sam to the party, let alone any of his friends.
2.He doesn’t have a dime, let alone a dollar.
3.I can’t remember the title of the book we must read, let alone the details of the story.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think annual reports are essential for a company?