Unit 06
Sending a quote via Email
Workplace English/Communication in Workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is a quote? Have you tried sending one via email?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. I’m writing to (phr.) 我寫信是為了
I’m writing to inform you.
2. quotation (n.) 估價單
Send her the quotation of the product.
3. costing (n.) 費用
Just make sure that your costing is correct.
4. please note that (v.) 請注意
Please note that this is a scheduled email.
5. play it safe (idi.) 安全起見
I will reply to play it safe.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Melanie, can you help me with something? We need to finalize the account with the Mexican Embassy, and I need some advice on phrasing this letter correctly in English.
Melanie,能麻煩你幫我一下嗎? 我們需要和墨西哥大使館最終確認帳戶,我需要一些正確寫英語郵件的建議。

Sure Tracy, let me just get my laptop. All set.
沒問題啊Tracy,讓我拿一下我的電腦。 行了。

Okay, so… “To Whom It May Concern, I am writing-“

Um, Tracy? I think that’s a little too formal. I know you want to be polite, but you’ve already made contact with them, so in English you can be more relaxed in the opening.
嗯,Tracy? 我覺得這樣寫太正式了。 我知道你想顯得有禮貌一點,但是你已經和他們聯繫過了,所以用英語寫你可 以寫的更輕鬆隨意一點…

Okay, more relaxed. Got it… “Hey Sally, what’s up? It’s Tracy here, just-“
好的,更隨意一點。 有了…”嘿Sally,你怎麼樣? 我是Tracy啊,我就是想….”

Okay Tracy, now it’s too relaxed! You’ve still got to show some respect. How about starting with ” Dear Ms. Cooper, I’m writing to confirm…? “
好吧Tracy,這樣又太隨意了! 你還是要顯得尊重別人一點。 不如開頭寫”親愛的Cooper女士,我寫信來是想確認一下….”

Great, okay. “Dear Ms. Cooper, I’m writing to confirm the final quotation for the full page back cover color advertisement you requested for the spring issue of Voila magazine.”
嗯,非常好。 “親愛的Cooper女士,我寫郵件來是想確認一下您要求的在Voila雜誌春季版封底的彩色廣告的最終報價。 “

That’s great.

“The final costing, including advert design and production, comes to forty-five thousand six hundred RMB. We want payment ten working days before publication or we will cancel the ad. Thanks for-“
“最終的價格,包括廣告設計和生產,一共是四萬五千六百人民幣。 請在出版前之十個工作日內付清錢款,不然我們 就會取消廣告,謝謝您的…”

Whoa, okay, back up a second Tracy. That’s too direct. Can I suggest you say, “Please note that final payment is due two working weeks before publication?” You don’t want to offend her.
哇,行了,倒回去一點Tracy。 這樣寫太直接了。 我建議你說:”請注意錢款需在出版前十個工作日付清”? 你不想得罪她吧。

Oops, okay. You are right. Then I can just end with “All the best, Tracy”.
哦,好的,你說的對。 最後我可以寫”萬事如意,Tracy”。

Hmm, maybe, but I’d play it safe and just finish with “Yours Sincerely”. That’s more professional.

Oh, Melanie you are a life saver, thank you!
Make a conversation with your teacher.
please note that…
1. Please note that the deadline for this project is next Monday.
2. Please note that we require full payment before the magazine goes to print.
3. Please note that the meeting has been changed to Monday at 3pm.
I’m writing to…
1. I’m writing to follow up on our meeting last week.
2. I’m writing to confirm the details for the full page ad you requested.
3. I’m writing to request some changes to the layout for the ad.
The word “whom” is used instead of “who” when the word is being used as an object.
1. To whom are you speaking?
2. Do not ask for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
3. He spent five thousand dollars on jewelry for someone, but he wouldn’t say for whom.
4. I’m sorry. Give the book to whom?
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Do you prefer receiving a quotation via email or do you prefer having a hard copy of it? Why or why not?