Unit 04
Starting a new business
Workplace English/Career Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What businesses do you think are booming today?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. taking me nowhere (phr.) 沒有前途
This job is taking me nowhere!
2. legal structure (phr.) 公司結構
Create a legal structure for your business.
3. execute (v.) 執行
After planning, execute your plan.
4. take into consideration (idi.) 考慮
You should also take into consideration your startup costs.
5. financial analysis (idiom.) 金融分析
Can you do a financial analysis?
6. return (v.) 回報
The return of investment will be on 5 years.
7. hassle (n.) 麻煩
Filing for resignation is a hassle.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

I’ve had it! I’m done working for a company that’s taking me nowhere!
我受夠了! 我受夠幫一家沒有前途的公司幹活了!

So what are you gonna do? Just quit?
那你想怎麼樣? 就這樣辭職嗎?

That’s exactly what I’m going to do! I’ve decided to create my own company! I’m going to write up a business plan, get some investors and start working for myself!
我正有此意! 我打算自己開公司! 我要撰寫一個商業計劃,然後找個投資商自主創業!

Have you ever written up a business plan before?

Well, no, but it can’t be that hard! I mean, all you have to do is explain your business, how you are going to do things and that’s it, right?
嗯,沒有,但是那也難不到哪去。 我是說,你要做的就是解釋你的業務是幹什麼的,以及你要怎麼做,僅此而已,對 吧?周前縮水一半。

You couldn’t be more wrong! A well-written business plan will include an executive summary which highlights the idea of the business in two pages or less. Then you need to describe your company with information such as what type of legal structure it has, history, etc.
你大錯特錯了! 一份好的商業計劃要包括行政上的總結,用2頁或更少的頁數突出商業的想法。 然後你需要描述諸如公司結構類型,公司發展歷史等相關信息。

Well that seems easy enough.

Wait, there’s more! Then you need to introduce and describe your goods or services; what they are and how they are different from competitors’. Then comes the hard part: a market analysis. You need to investigate and analyze hundreds of variables! You need to take into consideration socioeconomic factors from GDP per capita to how many children on average the population has! All this information is useful so that you can move on to your strategy and implementation stage, where you will describe in detail how you will actually execute your idea.
等等,不止這些。 你得介紹公司的產品或服務;具體是做什麼的,和其他公司有什麼區別? 接下來的部分就難了:市 場分析。 你需要調查並分析上百種變數! 你需要考慮包括從平均GDP到平均每個家庭擁有孩子的數量等社會經濟因素。 所有的資訊都是有用的,這樣你才能進行戰略定位和執行階段,這一步你要詳細描述你將如何執行你的主意。

Geez. Is that all?
動詞短語”stick to”常用於描述堅持做做某事
The verb phrase “stick to” often describes the maintaining or continuation of an action.
1.I don’t really like my job, but the job market is really bad so I’m just going to stick to it.
2.I know you don’t like practicing the piano, but stick to it and one day you’ll be an incredible virtuoso!
3.I need to stick to my studies if I want to get into Harvard!
4.Why stick to such outdated traditions in these modern times?
5.One easy way to be more productive is to stick to a task until it’s finished.
The idiom “after all” is a connecting phrase. It’s often used to indicate an obvious conclusion drawn from a previously stated situation or idea.
1. Don’t think that you can fool me so easily! After all, I’m not an idiot!
2. Don’t be so upset with him. He’s just a child, after all!
3. Put your wallet away. You’re not paying for anything; it’s your birthday, after all.
4. I’m not surprised that he offered to pay for our dinner. After all, he is a millionaire!
5. Who else would be responsible for managing employee salaries? I work in accounting, after all.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What business would you like to do in the future? Why do you want to do it?