Unit 02
Purchasing Manager
Workplace English/Communication skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is the job of a Purchasing Manager?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. suitable (adj.) 合適的
This desk is suitable for you.
2. rest assured (adj.) 放心
Rest assured that we will finish our tasks.
3. long run (n.) 長期
We can use these papers in the long run.
4. fix (v.) 固定
Can you fix our laptops and computers?
5. sole (adj.) 唯一的
Sheena is the sole owner of this desk.
6. supplier (phr.) 供應商
Can you ask our supplier if they have extra?
7. negotiate (n.) 協商
I will try to negotiate the price for the desk.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Good morning, Angela. How have you been lately?
早上好Angela。 你最近怎麼樣啊?

Morning, Michael. I‘ve been very busy lately. One of our other vendors is going out of business and I’ve been searching for a suitable replacement.
早啊Michael。 我最近很忙。 其中一個供應商破產了所以我要找一家合適的做替換。

Well, rest assured that you can count on us to be here for the long run. Please sit down. Coffee?

No, thanks. I’ve been trying to cut down on the caffeine.
不用了謝謝。 我在試著減少我的咖啡因攝入量。

Haha, I could never do that. I‘d be a zombie if I didn’t have my morning coffee fix. Let’s get down to business then.
哈哈,我可不行啊。 如果我早上不喝咖啡我就呆若木雞。 我們來談談正經事吧。

Yes. I’ve come to talk with you about ordering the eight megapixel cameras for our new MePhone. Thedemand for phone cameras is growing, and Pear has been falling behind in the market.
是的,我來是想和你談談為我們新的MePhone向你們訂購八百萬像素的攝像頭的事的。 對手機攝像頭要求的提升使得Pear正在被市場淘汰。

That’s great! I’m glad to hear that Pear has finally jumped on the bandwagon. Right now our contract is for the five megapixel cameras. Is Pear still interested in having those?
很好! 我很高興聽到Pear終於要跟隨潮流了。 我們目前的合同寫的是五百萬像素的攝像頭。 Pear那邊對這些還有興趣嗎?

No, we’re changing all the cameras to eight megapixels. We were hoping that by making your company our sole supplier for cameras we could negotiate a better deal.
不要了,我們要把所有攝像頭換成八百萬像素的。 我們希望你們可以作為我們攝像頭的獨家供應商給我們提供一個更合理的價格。

Surely. Let’s get started by drafting a new contract.
沒問題。 我們現在起草一個新的合同吧。
count on 這個短語用於描述某人很可靠或是對一件事情的肯定結論
This phrase is used when describing someone as reliable or to describe a reliable conclusion that can be drawn.
1. Don’t worry about this project! You can count on me!
2. I count on him for all of my financial and accounting needs.
3. Don’t count on him for anything. He’s really unreliable.
4. The one thing we can count on is that people will recognize our brand name.
5. Well? Can I count on you to come through for me tomorrow?
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think are the responsibilities of a purchasing manager?