Unit 01
Weather Forecast
Overseas life/Daily communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What was the weather forecast for yesterday? What was the weather forecast for today?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. forecast (v.) 預報
The weather forecast says it will rain today.
2. calling for (v.) 預測
There is a calling for scattered showers.
3. mixed bag (n.) 雜集
The weather is a mixed bag of sunny and rainy.
4. cloud cover (n.) 雲層
There is a cloud cover in Utah.
5. scattered (v.) 散布的
Rains are scattered in North and South.
6. showers (n.) 陣雨
I heard there will be rain showers.
7. cold front (n.) 冷鋒
There is a cold front coming in.
8. isolated (adj.) 單獨的
We live an isolated life.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

…And now, let’s go to Kenny Williams for today’s weather forecast.
… 現在,我們把話筒轉交給今天的天氣預報員Kenny Williams。

Thank you Bill, and good morning Salt Lake City!

What’s the weather looking like today, Kenny?

Well, it’s a bit of a mixed bag in Utah today. We’ve got heavy cloud cover here in Northern Utah and we’re calling for scattered showers throughout the day, with a day-time high of forty-five degrees. Now, if we move down to the south of the state, we can see that a cold front is moving in. We can expect clear skies, but it will be quite cold, with temperatures hovering around the thirty degree mark.

It’s a chilly day folks, so don’t forget your coats! What about tomorrow, Kenny? Do you have good news for us?

Well, it’ll be a rainy day for Northern Utah; we can expect some isolated downpours in the morning. Winds will be coming in from the northeast, with gusts reaching twenty-three miles per hour. Salt Lake City can expect the rain to turn to sleet in the evening. Things are looking a bit better for the South; we‘ll see cloudy skies with a chance of showers. Later in the day, we can expect partly-cloudy skies, with a forecast high of thirty-eight degrees.
嗯,猶他州北部將會有降雨,且預計早上可能會出現短時強降雨。 預計出現東北風,風速大約二十三英里每小時。 鹽湖城地區晚間會由雨轉雨夾雪。 南部地區的天氣會比較好一些,多雲天氣但可能會有陣雨。 晚些時候局部地區多雲,氣溫將在三十八華氏度以上。

You heard it folks! It’s gonna be a cold one!
大家聽到了! 這將是很冷的一天!

That’s right, Bill. We will have more later on today on the six o’clock news. That’s the weather forecast for this morning.
沒錯,Bill。 我們會在今天晚些的六點新聞中給大家帶來更多資訊。 今天的早間天氣就是這樣。
The verb “look” can be used to describe a person or thing‘s current appearance.
1.Your dress looks so pretty today!
2. What happened to you? You look terrible.
3. This food looks really tasty!
4. You look upset. Is something wrong?
5. How do I look? Does this dress make me look fat?
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think weather forecast updates are important?