Making a career change

Unit 28
Making a career change

English for the workplace/Career Development


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

What career path are you taking right now?
Do you like your career?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. intrigued (adj.) 被吸引
I am intrigued to horror movies.

2. run some things by you (phr.) 交流,談一談
Are you free? I need to run some thing by you.

3. mentor (n.)導師
Mr. Nolan is a good mentor.

4. stable (n.) 穩定的
Do you want a stable job? Then this is for you.

5. data (n.) 數據
Can you give me the data last month?

6. stuck (phr.) 困住
I am stuck in work.

7. defining moment (n.) 關鍵時刻
This promotion is your life defining moment!

8. priority (n.) 優先
What is your greatest priority in life?


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Zac, so, tell me what’s on your mind. I have to admit, I was intrigued by the email you sent me.
Zac,告訴我你在想什麼。 我要承認,你發給我的郵件很吸引我。

Well, Michael, I feel like I need some professional advice. I consider you a mentor, and I wanted to run some things by you.
Michael,我覺得我需要一些專家意見。 我把你當做我的導師,我想和你交流一下。

Now you really have my attention! Let’s hear it!
這下我可是全神貫注的聽了! 說吧!

Basically, I’ve been thinking a lot about making a career change. I have a stable job in marketing – but it’s all numbers, data, and budgets. I’m creatively-oriented, and I am starting to hate what I do. I feel stuck.
大致而言, 我考慮了很久要做職業轉變。 我有一份穩定的市場行銷工作——但全是數字,數據,預算。 我喜歡做創 意,我開始討厭我的工作了。 我覺得自己被困在這裡。

It sounds like you’re at a defining moment. Let me ask you a question: what is your top priority? Financial stability? Job satisfaction? Independence?
聽上去你正處在一個關鍵時刻,我問你:什麼是你的最優先事項? 財務穩定? 工作滿意度? 獨立?

Well, all of the above! I don’t expect to become a millionaire, but I want to be fulfilled by my work. Ideally, I want to make a living doing something creative. I just can’t spend all day looking at spreadsheets anymore!
嗯 三個都是! 我沒想著成為百萬富翁,但我想在工作上找到滿足感。 理想情況下,我希望我的工作是有創意的。 我不能再每天都盯著電子表格了!

I really do get it. You need an outlet for your creative side. You want a job that provides financial stability, but that also uses your creative talents and passions.
我真的理解你。 你需要釋放你創造性的那一面。 你想要一份有財務穩定性的工作,但同時能用得上你的創造性天分和激情。

Exactly! But if I quit my job, is that irresponsible?
正是如此! 但如果我辭職,會不會不負責任?

My advice? Go slowly, and don’t quit your job without having a safety-net or another job offer. But look for a change where you can use your creativity, either in work, or in your personal life.
我的意見嗎? 慢慢來,別接著辭職,等有了保障或另一份工作時再說。 但尋找可以讓你用到你的創造性的改變,無論是在工作還是個人生活中。

That’s good advice. Maybe I can find a creative hobby outside of work in the meantime – while I start looking for other positions on the creative side of marketing.
這意見很好。 說不定我能在工作之外找到一個創造性的愛好——同時我再找創造性市場營銷的職位。

Let's Practice

Make it right.

I consider you a mentor, and I wanted ____ some things by you. run

And don’t quit your job without _____ a safety-net or another job offer.


1.“I want to be fulfilled by my work. “means: _______.

A.I want to be satisfied by my work.
B.I want to be busy.
C.I want to be a full time worker.
D.I want to be filled by work.

2. I have to admit, I was _____ by the email you sent me.


 It sounds like you’re at a __(1.)__ moment. Let me ask you a question: what is your top __(2.)__? Financial __(3.)__? Job satisfaction? Independence?

defining   amazing   goal   priority   stability   abundance


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What career do you want to explore?
2.Do you see yourself pursuing that career in 5 years?