Unit 13
Project management skills
English for the workplace/Communication in workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think are management skills?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. morale (n.) 鬥志
We have to boost the team’s morale.
2. synchronized (v.) 同步的
Our moves are not really synchronized.
3. ensure (v.) 保證
Please ensure a quality product.
4. productivity (n.) 積極性
How can we increase their productivity?
5. eliminate (v.) 除去
How do we eliminate the distractions?
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Charlene, I would like to take a moment to talk to you about the McGuire project. It seems like you’ve been putting out a lot of fires lately. Is the project going according to schedule?
Charlene,我想找時間和你談一談McGuire的專案。 看起來你最近救了不少場啊,這個專案還按著時程表進行嗎?

Thanks for asking, Eric. So far, things are on schedule. However, I am having a few problems motivating my team. As you know, one of the designers asked to be taken off the project early on. But the designer who replaced her isn’t nearly as talented. I am worried about my team’s morale, and we’re not even halfway through the project!
謝謝你的關心,Eric。 到目前為止事情還按時程表進行。 但是對於鼓舞團隊士氣方面我有些問題。 你知道的,前一陣子有個設計師要求退出這個專案,但是接替她的設計師不如她那麼有才華,我擔心團隊失去鬥志,而且這個項目我們一半都還沒做完呢!

Finding the right members for a team is an important skill for a PM. You need to have some solid HR skills in place in order to select team members and motivate them. It sounds like that designer felt she was overqualified for this project. But the key now is to move forward with your team. How would you characterize your communication with them?
找到適合團隊的成員是專案管理中很重要的一步。 你必須要有過關的人力資源技巧,這樣才能挑選合格的團隊成員並 鼓舞他們。 聽起來這個設計師對於這個項目來說還不夠格。 但是現在的關鍵是和你的團隊一起向前看。 你認為自己與他們的溝通怎麼樣?

I feel like the team is not really synchronized.

I have a couple of suggestions for you. The first one is when you are conducting the team meetings, speak with authority! Your main goal is to communicate objectives and priorities clearly. But don’t talk too much. Keep things brief and simple. Then your team will know that you value their time and abilities. How do you think you can ensure that everyone will follow up on their own tasks?
我有幾個建議給你。 第一個是當你在開團隊會議的時候,說話要有威信! 你的主要目標是把目標和輕重緩急說清楚。
但話不要多,盡量把事情簡化。 然後你的團隊會知道你珍惜他們的寶貴時間,並相信他們的能力。 你覺得每個人能保證 完成自己的任務嗎?

I’m all ears. What can I do?
我聽您的。 我可以怎麼做?

The key is to learn the art of delegation, Charlene. This will not only save you valuable time but also reduce your stress and increase your team’s productivity. Remember, though, you have to have a clear scope of responsibilities and deadlines for everyone.
It will help you eliminate confusion and hold team members accountable.
I have a great book discussing how managers can delegate effectively. I’ll bring it for you tomorrow.

I appreciate it, Eric.

Before we go, do you have any quality management in place?

Yes, I am the one who checks everyone’s work. But I’m struggling to keep up.
嗯,我碰到點麻煩。 我知道你等著那些報告明天早上放到你桌上。 而且你確實給了我最後期限,但是…

Well, walk me through what you do and I will see how I can help. There are a few tools and techniques that you might benefit from.
嗯,告訴我你在做什麼,我看看有什麼可以幫你的。 有些工具和技巧你可能用得到。
Let's Practice
Make it right.
Is the project going __________ to schedule?
I am ____________about my team’s morale,
“I feel like the team is not really synchronized.” means: _______.
A.The team is not moving in harmony.
B.The team is not okay.
C.The team is messy.
D.The team is not proportion.
It will help you ________ confusion and hold team members accountable.
The key is to learn the art of ___(1.)___, Charlene. This will not only save you ___(2.)____ time but also ___(3.)___your stress and increase your team’s productivity.
appointment / delegation / important / valuable / reduce / cut
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How can you say if a person has a good management skills?