Unit 07
Delegating tasks at work
English for the workplace/Communication in workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What task can you do and not do at school or at work?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. launch (v.) 產品發布
When shall we launch our product?
2. clarify (v.) 澄清
I would like to clarify something.
3. delegate (n.) 授權
Babbitt was an official delegate.
4. internally (n.) 內部
We will fix this problem internally.
5. media outreach (phr.) 媒體推廣
Can we do a media outreach?
6. draft (n.) 起草
Can you give me the draft tomorrow?
7. trial offer (n.) 試用機會
Can you give me a trial offer?
8. influx (n.) 匯集
There is an influx in the prices.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Morning everyone. As you’re all aware, we’re launching a new product next month. Today I want to clarify the roles and responsibilities in our department so that we can fully prepare for the launch. I’d like to delegate tasks and responsibilities and clarify expectations.
First, let’s start with communications. Justin, you’re responsible for both external and internal communications. Please make sure that customer and media relations are taken care of and keep the company internally informed about the features and functions of the new product.
大家早上好。 就像你們都知道的,我們下個月就要發佈新產品了。 今天我想弄清我們部門各成員的角色及職責,為產品發佈做好充分的準備。 我想安排一下任務以及確定一下預期目標。
首先,我們先說一下溝通問題。 Justin,你負責內部及外部的溝通,確保客戶和媒體方面的關係沒有問題,並且通知公司內部的員工有關新產品的特點及功能。

Got it. I’ll get started with media outreach today. I’ll also draft a newsletter informing our customers of the product launch.

Please also include a trial offer in the newsletter. Next, we have customer support which falls under Ray. Ray, I‘d like for you to get started with support materials. Prepare yourself for an influx of inquiries in the coming month. I’m going to need you to work weekends to cover the support shift.

Sure, no problem.

Ok, then we have graphic and web design. Tom, you’ve started working on a new landing page for the product launch already.
好了,接下來是平面設計及網頁設計。 Tom,你已經開始做新產品的登陸頁面了。

Yes, I’ll get that to you by Thursday. The product info needs to be updated
on a bunch of places on the site.
是的,我週四之前可以給你。 產品資訊需要在網站上的很多地方更新。

That’s right. Justin, can you help Tom with coming up with that list?
沒錯。 Justin,你可以幫Tom列一張清單嗎?


Ok guys, I think this is a great start. I realize we’ve all got a lot on our plates, but I hope that by clarifying everyone’s roles and hashing out these details, we can have a smooth, successful and fun launch. Please feel free to drop by my office if you ever have any questions.
Oh, and lastly, Ray, can you send me the meeting notes? The action items need to be drawn up with your names next to each too please. These are exciting times! Let’s get started!
好了各位,我覺得這是一個很好的開始。 我知道大家都很忙,但是我希望每個人都清楚自己的職責細節問題,這樣我們就可以做一個順利,有趣且成功的產品發佈。 如果你們有任何問題都可以到我辦公室來問我。
哦,最後一點,Ray,你可以把會議記錄發給我嗎? 行動專案下面都寫上各自的名字。 現在是激動人心的時刻! 開始幹活吧!
Let's Practice
Make it right.
Please feel free to _______my office if you ever have any questions.
1.drop on
2.drop by
These are exciting times! Let’s get ____________!
“By clarifying everyone’s roles, ” means: ____ .
A.by making clear of everyone’s roles.
B.by changing everyone’s roles.
C.by erasing everyone’s roles.
D.by giving clarity to everyone’s roles.
Ray, can you send me the meeting _________?
C.write ups
Ok, then we have graphic and __(1.)__ design. Tom, you’ve ___(2.)___ working on a new landing page for the product ___(3.)____ already.
web / computer / starting /started / campaign / launch
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think is it important to delegate tasks at work?