Unit 03
Accepting responsibility
English for the workplace/Communication in workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What are your responsibilities at home? at work? at school?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. foresee (v.) 預見
It is hard to foresee what will happen.
2. to top it off (idi.) 最糟糕的是
We are so busy, and to top it off, Dave is sick!
3. slacking off (phr.) 拖延,偷懶
Please stop slacking off and do your work.
4. on the verge of (phr.) 即將;在… 的邊緣
We are on the verge of quitting.
5. overseeing (v.) 監督;監工
Our Director will be overseeing our work.
6. straighten them out (phr.) 理順
Fix your tie and straighten them out.
7. scrambling (v.) 慌亂,緊張,擾亂
Stop scrambling around!
8. end of business (adj.) 工作結束之時
Give me the reports by the end of business.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Peter, can I talk to you for a minute?

Sure. What’s up?

Well… I have a bit of an issue. I know you were expecting those reports to be on your desk tomorrow morning. And I do realize you gave me a deadline, but…
嗯,我碰到點麻煩。 我知道你等著那些報告明天早上放到你桌上。 而且你確實給了我最後期限,但是…

Oh, what happened?

Well, you see, I’ve had a lot of unexpected problems come up. I’ve had to deal with a few factors that I could never foresee.
嗯,你看,有很多意想不到的事情發生了。 我必須處理一些之前沒預想到的因素。

Ok… like what?
好吧… 比如說?

Even though I asked my Market Research team to get the figures to me by noon today, they told me they’re behind schedule. And, to top it off, David has been slacking off all week. Although he’s usually my most dependable guy, I’m on the verge of writing him up!雖然我已經叫我的市場調查團隊今天中午前把數據給我,他們還是告訴我他們來不及做。 而且,最糟糕的是,David這整個星期都在偷懶。 雖然他以前是我最得力的助手,但現在我就要向上級報告了!

Ok, calm down. First of all, as Project Manager, you are responsible for overseeing your team. If you’re having issues with them, you should work with HR so they can help you straighten them out.
好好,冷靜一點。 首先,作為項目經理,你的工作就是督促自己的團隊完成工作。 如果他們有問題,你就得和人事部合作把問題給解決了。

I know, I understand that. I’m just scrambling to get everything finished on time
but I can assure you that I’ll get this taken care of ASAP.
我知道,我理解。 我就是急著想把事情按時做完但是我向你保證這個問題會儘快得到妥善處理的。

So, do you think I will have the reports by the end of business tomorrow?

Yes, I will have them on your desk by 5PM! I’ll call a meeting with my team so that we can all get back on track. I will even stay late to review the reports with you tomorrow if that would help.
能做好,我會在下午5點前把報告放在你桌上的! 我會召開部門會議讓他們各就各位。 甚至如果有必要的話,明天我 會留下來和你一起把報告都看一遍。

Ok, thank you. In the future, just remember that this is your team. You’re the one calling the shots here, Karen.
好的,謝謝。 以後記住這是你的團隊。 團隊的事情你說了算,Karen。

Of course, sir. I apologize again.
沒問題,先生。 再次抱歉。
Let's Practice
Make it right.
A : ______.
B :Well, you see, I’ve had a lot of unexpected problems come up.
1. Oh, what happen?
2. Oh, what happened?
A : So, do you think I will have the reports by the end of business tomorrow?
B : ______.
1.Yes, I will have them on your desk by 5PM!
2.I’m on the verge of writing him up!
And, to top it off, David has been ____________all week.
1.slacking off
I’ve had to deal with a few factors that I could never ___________.
“You’re the one calling the shots here, Karen,” means: ____.
A.You are the one in-charge.
B.You are the one calling for more drinks.
C.You are the one and only leader.
D.You are the one giving the shots.
I’ve had to deal with a few factors that I could never _________.
First of all, as Project __(1.)__, you are responsible for _(2.)__ your team. If you’re having __(3.)____ with them, you should work with HR so they can help you straighten them out.
manager / problems / seeing / overseeing / leader / issues
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How do you manage to complete your responsibilities at the end of the day?