Unit 09
Meeting a new client
English for the workplace/Career Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Do you feel nervous when you are meeting new people?
How do you calm yourself?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. sales representatives (n.) 銷售代表
I am one of the sales representatives here.
2. impressed (v.) 使印象深刻
Our team was impressed with your work.
3. interior design (n.) 室内設計
I like your interior design.
4. compliment (n.) 恭维
Thank you for your generous compliment.
5. project (n.) 項目
This is a big project for the team.
6. competitive (adj.) 有競争力的
Angela is fierce with a competitive streak.
7. reputation (n.) 名譽
Cheap products sometimes have a poor reputation.
8. professional (adj.) 專業的
You are so professional with your work.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Mrs. Ferguson, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Peter, one of the sales representatives for Louis Interiors. Thank you for coming in today. May I ask how you heard of us?

Nice to meet you too, Peter. My husband and I recently visited an office building downtown. We were very impressed with its interior design. The office manager gave us your business card.
我也很高興見到你,Peter。我先生和我最近去了市中心一幢辦公樓。我們對它的室內設計印像很深,辦公室經理給 了我們你們的名片。

Thank you for the compliment, ma’am. That was the Ferris building. Yes, our team completed that design project last year. It really looks nice. Perhaps I can show you a portfolio of our other projects?

That would be fine. My husband and I want to find a company to design our home.

As you can see, our company is different from other interior design companies. This is because we hire very creative designers. We listen to each client’s needs and then we make a custom design.
你看的出來,我們公司和其他設計公司不同,是因為我們僱傭非常有創意的設計師。我們聽取每位顧客的需求,然後 為他們量身設計。

And are your prices competitive?

I’m glad you asked that question, Mrs. Ferguson. Although we are not the least expensive company in town, we have a good reputation and are professional. So, our prices reflect that.

It’s true that you get what you pay for.

Mrs. Ferguson, we would like to earn your business. Let’s schedule a time to talk in
more detail about your home and how our company can meet your goals for interior design.
Let's Practice
Make it right.
A : ______.
B :The office manager gave us your business card.
1.May I ask how you heard of us?
2.That would be fine.
A :Perhaps I can show you a portfolio of our other projects?
B : ________.
1. That would be fine.
2.It really looks nice.
May I ask how you _________of us?
We were very impressed with its _________ design
1. Our team was ___ with your work. impressed/impress
2. The job market these days is very ___ . competitive/complete
3. Good customer service will improve our ___ . reform/reputation
4. Although we are not the least expensive company in town, we definitely are very ___ . proper/professional
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think is it important to offer a hand shake when you are meeting a new client?