a teacher

Unit 04
Brainstorming Tips

English for the workplace/Career Development


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Have you ever tried brainstorming with your friends? What idea did you come up with?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. brainstorming  (n.) 集思廣益
Let’s set up a brainstorming meeting.

2. session (n.) 會議期間
Can you attend the brainstorming session today?

3. explicitly  (adv.) 明確地
She explicitly explained what she wants.

4. purpose (n.) 目的
What was the purpose of your project?

5. schedule (v.) 安排
I will schedule you in for tomorrow.

6. brightly (adv.) 明亮的
The sun shines so brightly.

7. limits (n.) 界限
Germany puts speed limits on Autobahn during heat wave.

8. ideal (adj.) 理想的
What is your ideal output?


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Let’s move to our first topic, the six guidelines on how to carry out an effective brainstorming session.

Number one: explicitly define the topic you’re brainstorming. Ensure everyone has a clear understanding of the purpose of the session.
You can even send out an email with the topic you’ll be brainstorming
and ask everyone to prepare some ideas in advance.

Number two: ensure that everyone has a “creative” mindset. Find a room that exhibits those qualities. Schedule the brainstorming session in a brightly colored room, or open a window to give people something
to look at and feel inspired. Also, schedule the brainstorming session after
a break. People need time to rest their minds, step outside and have some fresh air.

Number three: set limits for the brainstorming session. The ideal size of a brainstorming group is five to seven people. It’s small enough for you, as the facilitator, to write down all the ideas, but it’s still big enough to have plenty of energy in the room.  Also, set a proper time limit. Twenty minutes is enough time to get some creative ideas going. Anything after that can slow down the momentum of the group.

Number four: lay out some ground rules. First, outline the goals of this session. For example, the goal is to generate as many ideas as possible. Second, there are no bad ideas, so if you have one, share it. Lastly, doncriticize ideas at the beginning. Have some time at the end of the session to evaluate ideas.

Number five: make notes that everyone can see. Every idea that is shared should be written down and viewed by everyone. Write the ideas on a white board, so everyone can see them. Make sure to write down exactly what the person said. Don’t rephrase it in a way that makes more sense to you.

Number six: motivate people to participate by giving positive feedback. Encourage participation by saying phrases like, “thank you, great idea, wow, good work, I like that…” Remember that as the facilitator you should engage with the group and make eye contact with everyone.

Ok, thats wrap for the brainstorming tips. Now, lets move on to the next topic.


第一條:明確定義你要大家集思廣益的主題。確保每個人都對這個會議的目的有個清晰地認識。你甚至可以發一封有 關這個將要集思廣益的主題的郵件,告訴大家提前做些準備。

第二條:確保每個人都“富有創意”。找一間具備這些條件的房間,在一間色彩明亮的房間,或是有個大窗戶的房間 集思廣益開動腦筋,能給人更多的啟發。而且,創意會最好安排在休息之後。人們需要時間放鬆大腦,出去走走,呼吸 新鮮空氣。

第三點:給創意會設定上限。理想的創意會規模是五到七個人。對於組織者來說,這樣規模不是太大方便記下想法;而又足夠大可以讓氣氛活躍起來。還要設置一個時間限制。二十分鐘足夠弄出一些有創意的點子了,超過二十分鐘團隊 的動力就會減弱。

第四點:列出一些基本法則。首先,概述一下此次會議的目標。比如說,目標可以是獲得盡可能多的點子。第二,沒 有點子是壞的,所以如果你想到什麼,儘管分享。最後,不要在開始就批評一個點子是不好的。到會議的最後再評估點 子的優劣。

第五點:記下筆記讓大家都能看到。每個點子都要記下來,在白板上寫這樣大家都能看到。確保寫下的正是別人說的 原話,不要為了讓自己看得懂而重新措辭。

第六點:積極評價分享的點子這樣能鼓舞其他人。你可以像這樣積極地評價,“謝謝,這個主意很好,哇,幹得好,我喜歡這個點子…” 記住作為激發這次創意會的人你需要和大家有眼神交流。



Let's Practice

Make it right.

1.  ….the six guidelines on how to carry out an ______brainstorming session.


2.  Ok, that’s a wrap for the brainstorming ______.


3.  You are ___ to meet with the CEO tomorrow morning.


4.  Their intention is not to become involved in ____ political activities.


5.  One of our ___ rules is that we need to motivate people by giving positive feedbacks.


6.  Only 10% of American adults engage ___ regular exercise.



Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.How do you organize the ideas that you have brainstormed / come up with?