Organizing the closet for spring

Unit 46
Organizing the closet for spring

Oversea life/Daily Communication


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

How big is your closet?
What is the perfect wardrobe size?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. make some room 騰出空間
I’m gonna make some room in the trunk.

2. organize (v.) 整理
You should try and organize your time better.

3. packing up 打包;整理
Are you packing up already?

4. toss (v.) 拋,扔,投
The little girl tossed her ball in the air.

5. sort (n.) 把…分類;整理;揀選
Let’s try to sort out the mess.

6.pile  (n.) 一堆
The pile of books toppled over.

7. donate (v.) 捐贈
How can I donate to the foundation?

8. worn out (adj.) 破的;不能再用的
Can we sit down? I’m worn out.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Honey, I need to make some room in the closet. Can you help me organize it?

Sure. Are you packing up our winter clothes?

Yup, and tossing some old stuff. Can you help me sort them?

OK, what’s this pile of clothes? Keep, toss, or donate?

Toss. Those shirts are all worn out and don’t fit well. What about this sweater of yours?

Keep! It’s new, and I never wear it.

It looks like it’s from the 70s, honey. There’s a reason you don’t wear it.

Maybe it will come in handy?

If it doesn’t fit, or you haven’t worn it in a year, you shouldn’t keep it.

Oh, all right. Let’s donate it then. Out with the old and in with the new!


Read the article aloud with your teacher.


4 Steps To Clean Out Your Cluttered Closet


1. Take inventory

The first step in your closet clean-out is to completely empty it. Remove everything, including clothes, hangers and shoes and plop it on your bed or floor. Don’t forget to grab items from shelves, bins and drawers, too. 

2. Grab some bags

Next, you’re going to need to grab some trash bags, a marker and some tape. Put a strip of tape on the first bag and write on it with the marker “trash.” On the second bag, place a strip of tape on it and label that bag “donate.”

3. Set rules for what goes back in

Start sorting with these rules in mind:

•If you haven’t worn it in a year and it’s still in good condition, it goes in the charity bag.
•If it has holes, worn-out elastic or rips that can’t be repaired, throw it in the trash bag.
•If it needs a button or has a hole you or a tailor can easily fix (and you vow to actually fix it) put the item in the repair pile.
•If it’s not your style, it goes in the charity bag.
•If it’s fantastic, you love it and you wear it, put it in the keep pile.
•If it has stains put it in the repair pile and try these tricks to remove spots.
•If it doesn’t fit, donate it.

4. Finish up

Your closet cleaning journey is almost over. Now you just need to put everything from the keep pile back in your closet.

For the rest, it’s important you get deal with them right away. Taking action will prevent those items from taking up space and potentially making their way back into your closet.  

Finally, put the trash bag in your bin right away. Drive the charity bag to your local drop-off point right away. No waiting!


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.How often do you clean and arrange your closet?
2.How do you clean and arrange your closet?
3.What is your favorite outfit that is found in your closet? What made it your favorite?