
Unit 45
Bedtime story

Oversea life/Daily communication


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Have you ever tried listening to a bed time story at home? How was your experience?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. once upon a time (idiom.) 從前
Every fairytale starts with “Once upon a time”.

2. straw (n.) 稻草
Have you ever had a straw hat?

3. sticks (n.) 木杆
How many sticks can you hold in your hand?

4. bricks (n.) 磚頭
The bricks are heavy for a girl to carry.

5. huff and puff (idiom.) 大力吹氣
She will huff and puff after climbing the mountain.

6. blow the house down   (phr.) 把房子吹倒
Blow slowly. Do not blow the house down!

7. escaped (v.) 逃跑
He escaped from the big bad wolf!


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. The pigs lived in three different houses: One house was made of straw. One house was made of sticks. The third house was made of bricks.

Nearby lived The Big, Bad Wolf. He was very hungry, and he decided that he was going to eat the little pigs. He went to the first house and said “Let me in or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow the house down.” The pig didn’t let him in, so the wolf blew the house down.

And so the first little pig ran to the house made of sticks. Then, the Big Bad Wolf said “let me in, or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow this house down.” The pigs didn’t let him in, so the wolf blew the house down.

The two pigs escaped to the brick house. The brick house was very strong, so the Big Bad Wolf couldn’t blow it down. Feeling sad, he decided to go home.

The pigs saw that the Big, Bad Wolf was hungry. So they ordered some pizza and sent it  to his house. The End.

很久以前,有三隻小豬。 它們住在不一樣的房子里。 一所房子是稻草做的、一所是木頭做的、還有一所是磚頭做的。

附近住著一隻大灰狼。 它很餓,所以他決定要吃掉小豬。 他到了第一間房子,說:“讓我進去! 不然我就哇呼、哇 呼、把你的房子吹倒! “這隻小豬不讓它他進去,大灰狼就把房子吹倒了。

第一隻小豬就逃到了木頭房子里。 然後大灰狼又說:”讓我進去! 不然我就哇呼、哇呼,把你的房子吹倒! ” 小豬不讓它進去,大灰狼就把這間房子也吹倒了。

兩隻小豬又一起逃到磚頭房子里。 磚頭房子很結實,所以大灰狼吹也吹不倒。 它很掃興,只好回家了。

小豬看到大灰狼那麼餓,於是就叫了份披薩送到它家。 故事結束了。

Let's Practice

Make it right.

1.“The two pigs escaped to the brick house” means:

A.The two pigs ran away.
B.The two pigs got away.
C.The two pigs hid.
D.The two pigs ran and hid in the brick house.

2.The pigs saw that the Big, Bad Wolf _________.

A.was hungry hungry
C.were hungry
D.are hungry

One house was __(1.)__ of straw. One house was made of __(2.)__. The __(3.)__ house was made of __(4.)__.

bricks / last / third / made / sticks / branches


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What is your favorite bedtime story? Why is it your favorite? Try to say a short story.