01. time for modelling dough play song
02. save the lady the magic porridge pot song
03. feed the zoo animals song
04. the busy animals in the zoo song
05. Elmer the rainbow elephant song
06. Elmers counting song
07. here we go on Elmers Adventures song
08. big animals song
09. walking in the forest song
10. the noisy animals in the jungle song
11. old MacDonalds jungle song
12. buzzy bees song
13. 5 little pennies song
14. 5 little fingers song
15. it’s all gone song
16. the castle on the hill song
17. the water
18. 1 little mouse song powerpoint
19. lots of rooms song
20. brave knight song
21. the magic porridge pot it just won’t stop song
22. megs song
23. rowing in the jungle song
24. the messy magpie I recycle song
25. lots of minibeasts
26. changing my size song
27. the leaves on the trees come falling down song
28. my feelings song
29. in a rocket
30. tall and small
31. love love love song
32. we are happy in the park song
33. aliens from outer space
34. will the zoo send me a pet song
35. in the park i like to play song
36. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pets from the zoo
37. gingerbread cottage song
38. hansel and gretel run
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