Unit 15
Princess Diana

New Knowledge/Self-Development


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Who do you think is Princess Diana?
From what country do you think she is from?
What is Princess Diana known for?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. homage to (phr.) 向…致敬
We should pay homage to our homeland.

2. risqué (adj.) 前衛性感的
The novel she wrote was censored by the government because of its risqué contents.

3. precedent (adj.) 先例
Diana was unlike the precedent queen.

4. prim (v.) 拘謹的;古板的
She was also prim and proper.

5. flouted (v.) 公然藐視,違背
She never once flouted the palace rules.

6. numbers (n.) (令人欣賞的)衣服
Diana’s body numbers were exquisite. 

7. style chameleon (phr.) 風格百變的人
Princess Diana was indeed a style chameleon.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey, did you see that green dress that Meghan Markle wore to her last event?

Yeah, it was gorgeous. Apparently, it was an homage to Princess Diana.

Not surprised. Lady Di was a rebel, and her ability to walk the line between elegant and risqué set a whole new precedent for Meg and Kate.

You mean in terms of the royal dress code?

Yup. Diana knew how to dress prim, but she also flouted conventions by wearing pantsuits, all black, and stunning off-the-shoulder numbers

Sounds like she was quite the style chameleon.

Totally, but what really set her apart was her ability to communicate approachability and compassion with fashion.

Right. If I remember, she used to pay tribute to the host country on diplomatic visits by wearing its symbols or colors.

Yup. She also wore chunky jewelry so that children could touch and play with her outfits.

Well, she wasn’t called the People’s Princess for nothing. She was a true humanitarian.

Yeah, her candle may have burned out, but her legend never will.


Walk the line between A and B

The idiom “to walk the line between A and B” means to maintain a balance between two contrasting things, such as two opposing styles. For example, in today’s dialogue, the speaker said that Princess Diana had the “ability to walk the line between elegant and risqué,” meaning that she was able to balance the two styles. However, this idiom can be used to describe a number of things, including opposing choices, opinions, feelings, or genres.

1.The two of them have been walking the line between romance and friendship for years.

2.The film walks the line between fiction and documentary as it seems to stretch the truth at times.

3.It’s important for managers to be able to walk the line between being professional and personable.



Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What is your fashion style? Share your fashion style and taste to your teacher.
2.Why is Princess Diana so loved?
3.What did Princess Diana died from?