
Unit 09
Product Recall

Workplace English/Communication skills


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

What do you think is a product recall?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. hit the nail on the head (phr.) 說對了
This issue hits the nail on the head for us.

2. post (n.) 崗位,職位
Why did the customer post his concern online?

3. hammer down (phr.) 大動作
She put the hammer down for this recall.

4. cover-up  (n.) 遮遮掩掩
How can we make a cover up on this matter?

5. cut corners (v.) 偷工減料
You should fall in line and not cut corners.

6. recall (adj.) 召回
She wants a product recall.

7. negligence (n.) 玩忽職守
We should admit our negligence in this case.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Steve, did you happen to watch CNN last night? It looks like you hit the nail on the head about Mary Barra.
Steve,昨晚看沒看CNN?看上去你對Mary Barra真是說準了。

Yeah it sure looks like it doesn’t it? I had assumed she was going to start her new post making a big statement, but she really put the hammer down with this recall didn’t’ she?

She sure did, but how were you so certain it wasn’t a cover-up from the start? You know how GM is about trying to cut corners to save a few dollars after all.

That’s the very reason I knew it couldn’t be a cover-up. Did you notice the cost it was to GM to replace those electric ignition units? Less than $1 per automobile was the expected expense on this recall!

That’s a good point. $1 a car for what, 2.6 million cars was it? That sure is a whole lot less than the $35 million dollar penalty the government assessed GM for negligence. Not to mention the estimated $1.3 billion in long term punitive damages they expect to receive over this.

Exactly my point Tom! There is no way that their economic analysts couldn’t have foreseen such an outcome. This is simply someone dropping the ball and Barra is making sure they’re being held accountable for their actions.

No doubt there will be a few heads that roll before all is said and done. There have been 13 deaths due to this faulty part before the recall was even announced and it has been going on for over 10 years.

True, money is one thing but when human lives are involved the media goes into a feeding frenzy wanting to hang someone. Either way, it’s going to get ugly real fast.

Big mistakes like this sure don’t instill confidence to run out and buy ‘American’ like we used to does it?

It is sad but you’re right. Hopefully we’ll see a new era of regrowth by GM with Barra at the helm now. I like what I see in her background and feel she can make significant changes towards turning them back around.


rhetorical questioning

1. It sure looks like it, doesn’t it?
2. Who knows?
3. What were you thinking?!


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What do you think are the factors that will affect a products quality?