Unit 08
Winning a customer back

Workplace English/Communication skills


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

What do you think is the reason why customers do not come back in your shop?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. cut to the chase (phr.) 直奔主題
Let us cut to the chase and be frank.

2. discontinue (n.) 停用
Why did you discontinue using our product?

3. blunt (phr.) 直接,不繞彎子
You are so blunt, for a salesman.

4. patron  (n.) 客戶,主顧
If you will be our patron, you will enjoy discounts!

5. throw in (n.) 加上
They threw in these free screen protectors.

6. alternative (adj.) 選擇
We offer a variety of alternatives.

8. customer service and support (phr.) 客戶服務與支持
Your customer service and support is nice!


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Thank you for meeting with me, Jake.

It’s not a problem. Like I said I was in the area, so I thought I’d stop by… So, how about we cut to the chase because I do have to be back to the office by 4 o’clock.

Okay, I actually wanted to ask you why you decided to discontinue using our service.

I’m going to be blunt with you, we are trying to cut costs at our company and we found a tech provider that offers a comparable service, but it’ll cost us 25% less.

You have been a long-time patron of ours and I’m sure that we can find a way to accommodate your financial needs.

I’m listening.

We can offer you a 10% loyal customer discount and throw in a few extra perks, like a free additional month of service.

Actually I’m already getting a free extra month of service with the new provider and it’s still a cheaper alternative. And frankly speaking, we also had a few issues with customer service and support this past month.

What kind of issues?

A few weeks back were having some issues with the service; you sent us to customer service and support so that they could solve the problem, but we didn’t hear back from them until a few days ago.

My sincerest apologies. I should’ve followed up with you after. And I’ll have to talk to customer service and support. I know most of their staff members are new, but that’s still no excuse. I hope we aren’t beyond redemption. At the moment you have our basic service. I can offer you our premium package at the same price.

Do I still get 10% off?

Yes. And the premium package has a special promotion this month. The offer is that you’ll receive 2 complimentary printers when you sign up.

Perfect, we were going to replace some of our printers; they’re so archaic.

And I’ll throw in 10 extra hours each month of customer service and support. Again, I’d like to reiterate that we sincerely apologize for any dissatisfaction you may have had with our service.


Transitional phrases (for speaking in a forthright manner)

Phrases that you saw in today’s lesson, such as “I’m going to be blunt…” or “…frankly speaking…” are considered transitional phrases. These transitional phrases are used to announce that the speaker is going to talk in a more familiar and totally straightforward manner.

1. To be frank, I’d like to go home now.
2. To be blunt, I agree.
3. Speaking quite frankly, I don’t like it.


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What will be your strategy to entice a customer to come back to your shop?