holiday on call

Unit 29
Making a conference call

English for the workplace/Communication skills


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Have you tried making a conference call?
Did it go well?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. roll-out (n.) 新產品發佈
How do projections look in the last roll-out?

2. R and D (abbrev.) 研發
Being in the R and D department is challenging.

3. have the floor (idi.) 發言
You have the floor, so speak.

4. initially (adv.) 最初,首先
Initially, I was working as his assistant.

5. filed (n.) 提交,提出
He filed for a one-week leave yesterday.

6. extended (adj.) 延伸的,擴大的,長期的
She even extended her vacation leave.

7. original (adj.) 原始、最初的
John has the original copy of the contract.

8. media outreach (phr.) 媒體宣傳
We should enhance our media outreach.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Good morning. If you’re both here already we can get started.
早上好。 既然你們倆都到了,我們開始吧。

Good morning Mr. Collins. Jack Smith here.
早上好,柯林斯先生。 我是Jack Smith。

Good morning. This is Michael from marketing.
早上好。 我是市場部的Michael。

Great. Today is just a review of the upcoming roll-out. Let’s go ahead and start with R and D. Jack you have the floor.
好的。 今天我們聊一下快要開始的新產品發佈。 我們從研發部門開始吧。 Jack,你介紹一下。

Thank you. Our product was initially completed 3 months behind schedule but production has been able to make up that time and it will be ready for the target release date.
謝謝。 我們的產品比計劃晚了三個月才完成,但是產品部趕上進度了。 所以我們的產品能趕上預定的發佈日期。

Good. That’s what I wanted to hear. By the way, who filed the request form for the extended three months?
很好。 這是我想要聽到的。 對了,是誰提交了申請表,申請延期三個月?

I filed the original request myself. Production filed one as well in case they weren’t able to make up the time.
申請表就是我提交的。 產品部也提交了一份,怕來不及趕時間。

Ok, thanks. Moving on. Marketing where do we stand?
好的,謝謝。 繼續吧。 市場部,你們的情況怎麼樣?

We have a new team member, Tony in charge of media outreach. He has had the market worked up for the last 6 months. Initial release will be in Seoul, London, Tokyo, L.A., New York and Shanghai. These will be the trend setters for the rest of their respective countries.
我們有個新成員Tony,他負責媒體公關。 過去六個月他仔細研究了市場。 我們的新產品會在首爾、倫敦、東京、洛 杉磯、紐約和上海先發佈。 這些城市都是它們各自國家的趨勢引領者。

How do projections look compared to the last roll-out?

We expect to see a bigger turn out than 2013.

Ok, let’s leave it at that for now. During Friday’s department meeting we’ll go over the budget of your departments for the upcoming fiscal year.
好的,現在差不多了。 星期五的部門會議我們會討論各部門下一財年的預算。

Alright, I’ll have that ready for you. See you then.
好的,我會準備好的。 下次見。

Have a good morning. See you on Friday.
祝大家有個愉快的早晨。 星期五見。

Let's Practice

Make it right.

 I _______the original request myself.


We _____ to see a bigger turn out than 2013.


“These will be the trend setters “ means: ____.

A.These will be the forefront.
B.These will be famous.
C.These will be trending.
D.These will be acknowledge.

 Good morning. This is Michael _______ marketing.

Great. Today is just a __(1.)__ of the __(2.)__ roll-out. Let’s go __(3.)__ and start with R and D. Jack you have the floor.

coming / ahead / forward /review / assessment / upcoming


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.How did you organize that conference?